Sunday, June 5, 2011

distancia de amor

distancia de amor. amor a distancia poemas
  • amor a distancia poemas

  • slffl
    Apr 5, 09:48 AM
    The xoom tied the iPad? That's a joke! And I say this because yes I have used a xoom. It was a pile of turd.

    distancia de amor. Distancia De Amor.
  • Distancia De Amor.

  • clayj
    Sep 18, 01:30 AM
    Isn't that from Get Fuzzy?

    /mmm, google. :DYes, but you only get 5 points because you cheated. ;)

    distancia de amor. y la distancia gano
  • y la distancia gano

  • str1f3
    Dec 27, 06:31 PM

    A call from The Consumerist to AT&T online sales:

    Daphne: Welcome to AT&T online Sales support. How may I assist you with placing your order today?

    Laura: Hi, I was looking at the iPhone 3Gs and the system tells me that I cannot order one in my ZIP code. My zip code is 11231. (Brooklyn, NY) Is this true? Are iPhones no longer available in New York City?

    Daphne: I am happy to be helping you today . Yes, this is correct the phone is not offered to you because New York is not ready for the iPhone.

    Daphne: You don't have enough towers to handle the phone.

    Laura: Thank you for your help. So the phone is not available to people anywhere in the city?

    Daphne: Yes this is correct Laura.

    This is an effing joke. You are actually trying to stop paying customers from using your service? AT&T, you're an embarrassment. Apple had better make sure this exclusivity ends next year. This is about as ridiculous as it can get.

    distancia de amor. distancia de amor
  • distancia de amor

  • macinside
    Apr 18, 05:32 PM
    There was a study a bit ago that showed that complexity drastically reduced participation in altruistic activities, while simplicity -- especially exact instructions on how to participate -- drastically increased participation.

    I think that's applies here. Using a Mac is so simple, generally speaking, that the folding@home pages seem obtuse in comparison. The pages are all ugly, and instructions are unclear, and files seem to be missing that instruction pages reference.

    To increase participation I recommend that a very clear communicator make a new thread (perhaps a sticky) with *dead simple* step by step instructions w/screenshots on how to install and turn it on (circa 2010). Maybe even a screen flow that just shows exactly how to it, hosted on a service with crystal clear video like Get our mirror neurons goin', yaknow?

    Case in point, I'm having my own issues. Where exactly is the screen saver? On, it talks about it, and say to grab it off the download page, but I just can't find it. Makes me feel dumb, which is hardly what you want in a social endeavor.

    Beyond my notebooks, I also have 2 8 Core Mac Pro's I'd like to put into the game, but I really only want the processor power being used when they're idle. I need that power to myself at the other times. Screen saver or idle time processing is perfect.

    Second, I did install just the basic install of in the meantime. Activated the client in System Preferences, and hit the enable button. When does this thing activate? It's not showing any activity in Activity Monitor yet. I guess maybe this does idle time processing w/o any visual feedback?


    distancia de amor. amor a la distancia. amor la
  • amor a la distancia. amor la

  • ciaran00
    Jun 10, 04:43 PM
    If T-mobile gets the iPhone maybe they will have better data plans than AT&T
    They already do. I've been on Tmo with my iPhone for 3 years now.

    Just unlock and go over. Or sit on your hands and wait for official.

    distancia de amor. frases de amor a distancia
  • frases de amor a distancia

  • nbrown26
    Mar 11, 10:54 AM
    Any updates from the Knox Street Store ? (or should we call it the McKinney Ave Store?) I plan on arriving between 1 and 2.


    distancia de amor. amor en la distancia. de amor
  • amor en la distancia. de amor

  • macfan881
    Oct 9, 07:44 PM

    Heck yes! I loved this game when i was a kid got i forgot how much money I spent on this but it will be a day 1 buy for sure.

    distancia de amor. distancia de amor
  • distancia de amor

  • Mac-Rumours
    Apr 7, 06:45 AM
    I bought my 3DS for Zelda, so as it's not out yet. It's just what it is.

    The original DS wasn't exactly a WOW factor at launch and for many -- especially the press -- it was considered a complete joke as they praised the PSP. Its launch line up was worse than the 3DS, but years later its games and sales speak for itself.

    The NDS (at least in the UK) launched with Mario 64 DS and Wario Ware Touched, two great games rated 85 and 81 by respectively.

    The 3DS has Street Fighter.


    distancia de amor. amor a la distancia. amor en
  • amor a la distancia. amor en

  • Lopes
    Mar 27, 10:56 AM
    This news item reminds me of another famous coffee scene a lot...hopefully it had a similar tone and tenor.

    distancia de amor. en la distancia pero amor
  • en la distancia pero amor

  • Knowimagination
    Mar 11, 09:10 AM
    At University now, I believe I'm number 5 or 6.

    Thanks for the update I think I am going to head up there around 12:00-1:00


    distancia de amor. distancia de amor.
  • distancia de amor.

  • DevinPitcher
    Mar 13, 09:56 AM
    Verizon iPhone - All is good.

    distancia de amor. Reloj del amor.
  • Reloj del amor.

  • str1f3
    Dec 28, 05:53 PM
    Nor does it stop people from letting their fingers fly on the keyboard before they know all the facts. :rolleyes:

    LOL, yeah facts�Like you saying The Consumerist was lying for web hits even though AT&T brought out the girl to recant her statement. Or you coming up figures that say 1.2% of all NYers are subject to credit theft and assuming half were so thieves could buy iPhones. Or summizing that this was the real problem only for AT&T to change their policy a day later. LOL, yeah facts�


    distancia de amor. el amor a distancia ya que en
  • el amor a distancia ya que en

  • fairpro
    Apr 19, 09:54 AM
    don't like apple? then treat apple like an ex wife or girlfriend.

    get a divorce!

    then go find somebody else to vent your frustrations on.

    distancia de amor. amor a distancia poemas. amor
  • amor a distancia poemas. amor

  • davidjearly
    Dec 21, 05:53 AM
    Oh... grow up would you. Don't take your bat and ball home. It's a bit of fun, a bit of a chuckle, a bit of rebellion over the xfactor. Just because RATM have won, doesn't mean that the xfactor is going to be axed and Simon Cowell is going back to his Mr Blobby days.

    If anything, this has helped the music industry, the thought of actually rebelling against the conveyer belt "machine" being the xfactor has actually inspired people to buy music, getting more people interested in the competition and reducing music piracy. People have supported who they want to win by buying the songs, unlike before, where a few thousand people would buy Joe's song, and the xfactor would win. If anything, Simon Cowell should be happy that there has been an interest in his and RATM's song.

    Thanks, but I don't need to grow up. Perhaps you should try accepting other people's opinions without resorting to insults - a much more significant indicator of maturity (unless you're actually asking me to grow older faster?)

    There is absolutely zero logic to the rest of your post either. How has this helped the music industry exactly? As I have said all along, the UK chart is a glorified popularity contest. The most popular record, at the time, wins. People don't just buy the xfactor winners single because of the name - they buy it because they like it (and it's usually more than a few thousand btw). Whether you, or I, agree with that is irrelevant. It is fact. There has also been no significant reduction in music piracy as a result of this campaign.

    There has been no 'rebellion'. All the campaign has done is increased the amount of money Sony Music Entertainment have taken in this Christmas (both of the Artists are attributed to Sony). This goes back to my original point about the whole thing being meaningless (unless of course the aim was to simply make more money for Sony). There will still be the xfactor next year, and the winner will still sell a barrowload of records.


    distancia de amor. amor a distancia pelicula.
  • amor a distancia pelicula.

  • Synchro
    Oct 24, 04:48 PM
    I was as the opening of the Regent st store. Got there about 7am for a 10am opening, and there was already a 300m queue!

    Not sure that I'll make it this time.

    distancia de amor. amor a distancia. amor a
  • amor a distancia. amor a

  • Westside guy
    Nov 14, 03:11 PM
    I really like the ads. I think John Hodgeman actually makes them work though - being in the "PC" role has got to be much more difficult than the "Mac" role.

    I'm planning to put his "The Areas of my Expertise..." book on my Christmas list. He read some excerpts from it on NPR a while back - hilarious!


    distancia de amor. distancia de amor. imagenes de
  • distancia de amor. imagenes de

  • MacFly123
    Nov 5, 06:46 PM
    at&t will know what your doing at all times:eek:

    Ya! So much for a chip in your body, they will have them in your mobile device which you will always have! :eek:

    This could have lots of cool uses though, and I was hoping a while ago that the iPhone would debut this technology on a large platform.

    distancia de amor. mensajes de amor a distancia.
  • mensajes de amor a distancia.

  • avkills
    Sep 22, 11:21 AM
    Okay, I'll agree with you about not being able to "custom" build your own Macintosh. It has drawbacks and advantages. Mostly advantages in my opinion. Apple has always made systems that perform more predictably. Simply put, the software (OS) and the hardware work better hand in hand. Although Microsoft has done pretty good with XP, it does some neat stuff, but I still prefer OS X. However, even though you can't build your own Mac, it is very easy to add after market upgrades such as hard drives, RAM, PCI cards, etc least in the towers. Obviously, the iMac is for the person who does not care to go inside their computer, they just want something that turns on and works. Today, most of the hardware is pretty interchangeable.

    In the future I'd like to see the hardware makers standardize even more, so maybe all the PCI cards could work in both systems without the need for different ROMS, but that will probably never happen, due to the stark differences in how Apple and Intel/AMD design the MB.

    I don't know about the 2 processor limit on the G4. I always thought if the processor supported SMP, then you could go to town.

    I never remember seeing any PCs with USB until after Apple released the original iMac. If they did, they sure were not using it much. In fact, they still mostly use the PS/2 ports. Maybe because the PC liked to crash back in the Win98 days. USB was definitely plug and pray for them back then.

    I personally don't mind what Apple charges, since they make a product that works. I never go a week without hearing someone crying about something being wrong with their PC and Windows.


    distancia de amor. postales de amor a distancia
  • postales de amor a distancia

  • Grimace
    Sep 19, 04:43 PM
    I unplugged everything and that made it work.

    Network Cable
    USB devices (3)
    Firewire400 (1)
    Firewire800 (1)

    I didn't think to unplug them one at a time to control for where the problem was. Oh well. If your drives comes out and snaps back in right away without updating the firmware. Remove all devices before rebooting.

    May 2, 02:43 PM
    You mean this?

    Who gets this angry about computer platforms?


    Apr 4, 01:59 PM
    The Laffer Curve is often referenced, but you're correct about it's actual meaning. Some conservatives have taken the Curve to mean that lowering taxes will always bring about more revenue. Something this article is trying to address.
    Thing about the Laffer curve is that there was/is no research or data to back it up. Arthur Laffer pulled it out of a dark place and scribbled it down on a cocktail napkin. Its actual shape may have no actual correlation to the smooth bell we always see, it is all fiction because no one has tried to demonstrate its validity or accuracy.
    In the short-term, lowering taxes just takes money from the state purse and does not drive new economic development. In the mid-term and long-term, lower taxes may encourage growth, but there's not a direct connection between taxation and economic development.

    I believe I have seen it suggested somewhere that raising taxes puts pressure on business, which may have the effect of stimulating growth by forcing the businesses to make up the lost revenue (ramping up). What effect government policy has on the economy is not clear because the economy is made up of a mass of Brownian particles that move in unpredictable and befuddling ways. And the factors that affect macroeconomics are themselves in constant flux, so the thing that (seemed to) work last time could have a disastrous impact next time around.

    But the issue that troubles me is growth. The health of the economy is always measured by the GDP growth rate: the higher the better. That seems like folly, and history seems to support that. The more vodka, the worse the hangover. The faster you drive, the worse the crash. But even that analogy fails, because economic growth is a multi-faceted sum that can look good but not actually be reflecting positive change if the gains are not in areas that lead to ongoing stability and progress.

    Sep 14, 12:14 AM
    The Pentium5 is to the Pentium4 what the Pentium3 was to the Pentium2. It is not a new core. It sports a few new bells and whistles, twice the L2, the potential for a faster FSB, but it is still essentially the same chip as before.

    This is not to say that the G4 will be able to keep up, or anything. :)

    2 to 3 weeks till the dual 1.25's ship, and I'm still really temped to get one.

    Sep 25, 10:50 PM
    The phrase Podcast didn't exist until the development of Apple's iPod....

    So? Some words like "Podcast" are adopted from popular culture. I still talk about Walkmans, not "Portable Audio Cassette Decks". Imagine how annoying that would be to say every time?

    I can understand why they want to protect the iPod name. That is their name, and that is their product. However, they really should leave "Podcast" alone. Having a "Podcast" is like the ultimate insult to everyone like Creative, Microsoft, etc. The name "Podcast" exists not because people want to leech off of the iPod's popularity, but because of the iPods popularity, and how endeared it is by our culture. These "Podcasts" were created to be downloaded onto iPods so that people can listen. In our society, iPod comes to mind first. Nobody was thinking of creating these audiocasts with the Creative Zen or MS Zune in mind. If they end up on a Zune, that's fine, but the thought was to get their content on iPods, which is really quite a compliment to Apple when you think about it.

    Apple should really reconsider their actions.

    Apr 25, 02:47 PM
    Even though I doubt you actually want to see anything here ( is a list of some things he promised to do and actually did. As far as politicians go Obama has been pretty good at keeping promises, I don't agree with him on everything but some of his problems with doing things come from the republicans stopping him and him having too much of a desire to compromise.

    I have seen that list and it is a list of around 500 things. There are only about 140 things here. Most of them are encouragements which means nothing. Number 279, 284, 315 who the hell cares. Number 460, I could ask them to do that. Number 502, get his daughters a puppy, who gives a flying ****. A lot of this list is horse crap that doesn't matter.

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