Tuesday, May 31, 2011

haiku poems about nature

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  • 0815
    Apr 25, 12:20 PM
    Uh, no... the iPhone 4 was called the iPhone 4 because it was the 4th version of the iPhone (not because it came after 3 in 3G). If the next iPhone is called the 4S, that'd be the 5th iPhone model. So the next one after that would be called the iPhone 6.

    It would go:

    iPhone 3G
    iPhone 3GS
    iPhone 4
    iPhone 4S (or iPhone 5)
    iPhone 6

    Agree. It is just stupid that they in the early years named the phones after features ( iPhone2="now we have 3G network" and iPhone3="now we have a faster phone with 3G network") and than suddenly switched to the generation number .... This is really confusing to many people (my favorite ones are the one that still claim that the iPhone 3G is the "iPhone third generation" ....)

    I just hope they stick now with generation numbers and no more 'added feature suffix' .... so would the '4S' be for the bigger screen or for more speed ? - if they have both, would it be the iPhone 4SS ???) -> just bad naming schema.

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  • blahblah100
    Oct 7, 06:34 PM
    Except Verizon does that too!!!!

    About 2 months ago I paid an early termination fee and gave up my iPhone because of the dropped calls. I have a Blackberry on Verizon, and consume about 800 minutes a month (peak times, not nights and weekends) and close to 200MB of bandwidth.

    I have not had a single dropped call. I can also finally browse the web without Safari crashing all the time.

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  • JAT
    Apr 8, 02:59 PM
    As a former BBY employee I can tell you a few things that are flawed.

    #1 no former or current Best Buy employee would call themselves BBemployee, BBYEmployee would seem more likely. I know its stupid but it is the culture of Best Buy to shorten it to BBY.

    #2 You would have no clue if Best Buy was in trouble. As a simple Blue Shirt or even a Black Shirt you would not have this information passed down to you.

    #3 Your rant show that you either hate Best Buy for personal reasons or possibly a former employee who has a huge vendetta against the company.

    #4 Your rant does nothing to support this discussion.
    Did you actually read it? I see nothing to support the use of "rant". But s/he did say "I don't really like Best Buy", so that's hardly news at this point.

    I will say that I didn't realize 17.4GB text files would actually post on the forum!

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  • Chundles
    Nov 16, 12:34 PM
    please no page 1 vs page 2 comments... :)

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  • suwandy
    Oct 4, 12:11 AM
    PowerBook G5s, of course!

    No, really... I don't think we should expect too much out of the ordinary. iTV, updated iPod(s), new revision of MacBook Pro (perhaps), and Leopard, iLife and iWork updates.

    The .Mac stuff is usually under-the-radar, but I suspect something new will come sometime before the keynote.

    [Edit: I can't spell 'Leopard' - so shoot me.]

    I'll shoot you for mentioning PowerBook G5! :D

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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 4, 02:10 AM
    Firing incompetent teachers sounds like a great idea, but it doesn't require unions to be disbanded to achieve. The British teachers unions aren't that strong, and still we have huge problems getting rid of poor teachers.

    Jail time for strikers is bizarre and totally unacceptable.

    Additionally there is no way you can claim that it is a "individual liberty" position to hold to be for jailing strikers.

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  • darthraige
    Dec 13, 01:38 PM
    Immediately after Christmas? So 12/26? I doubt it. Hoping for the announcement at their keynote in January. Although, I have been saying that every January since the iPhone first debuted.

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  • tigress666
    May 3, 02:03 PM
    I'm fine with the cell companies charging more for tethering. I'm also fine with them doing tiered data plans. Either one of those is okay in my book. Doing both, however, is robbery.

    I agree with this. AT&T at least got a little better once Verizon got the iphone by offering additional GB for the extra charge they charged for tethering so at least you actually got something for that extra money (vs. being ripped off for being charged to use the data you already paid for).

    But overall, if you are paying for the actual data (paying for a set amount), it should not matter how you use it. But I could see on a "all you can eat" plan where it would matter how you use it cause some ways you'd end up using it a lot more than they planned for (basically I think it is fair in an all you can eat style plan, food or data ;), to specify rules on what you can do. I mean even in all you can eat buffets they have rules like no taking home food or you're only allowed there for an hour or you have to eat everything and not just pick out stuff otherwise it is too easily abused to the point that they wouldn't make a profit. It is the same way with data use).

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  • puuukeey
    Jan 9, 01:07 PM
    not free?

    boooooo hisssss....

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  • LastLine
    Nov 23, 04:56 PM
    Should work anywhere from date of first use/registration:rolleyes:

    That's a yes then? :P

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  • ktappe
    Mar 28, 03:23 PM
    What exactly is a 'hater'? Someone that disagrees with the company line? Someone with a dissenting opinion?

    Strongly agree. "Dissent" does not equal "hate". On the contrary, dissenting voices are what make our society so grand.

    There are LOTS of completely valid reasons for a perfectly good app to not be in the App Store. There are many apps that are very useful, productive, and of high quality that by their very nature can't get into the App store due to its rules. Rules that forbid the exact reason some of those apps exist; such as modifying the OS in ways the user needs or by doing things a better way than Apple does. As a result, these "awards" are tainted from the very get-go and I plan to dismiss them accordingly.

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  • Geckotek
    Dec 19, 09:03 PM
    Also if Apple was going to release a CDMA phone why haven't they for countries like China where I is the dominate cell phone tech. Instead they went with the second place carrier who supports GSM.

    CDMA is not even close to being the dominate tech in cellular in China.

    Correct. Some numbers to back that up.

    China Mobile (GSM) = 558M subscribers (World's largest carrier)
    China Unicom (GSM) = 152M subscribers
    Verizon (CDMA) = 92M subscribers
    China Telecom (CDMA) = 85M subscribers
    China Mobile (TD-SCDMA*) = 17M subscribers
    *not the same CDMA Verizon or China Telecom uses so doesn't really count

    As you can see, GSM subscribers in China FAR outweigh the CDMA subscribers. Also, Verizon has more CDMA subscribers than China (not counting TD-SCDMA since it's not the same tech).

    However, China Mobile's GSM network is 2G. They are rapidly rolling out TD-SCDMA as their 3G replacement. This will eat away at the GSM subscriber base. This is also why China Unicom has the iPhone and China Mobile didn't. A lot of people wondered why the larger company didn't get it.

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  • Mooey
    Mar 23, 05:09 AM
    So last night I was checking my email after work and my computer makes a weird beep. I realized that the sound is made by Connect360 when a connection is made to an Xbox. I opened the program and it says my 360 is connected and media is being shared with it. This means that whoever stole my 360 is still in range of my wireless network.

    Got in my car with my laptop and found the range on my network is a bit larger than I had expected. About 8-10 houses on my block get at least some signal from my network

    This morning at 5am, my 360 connected to the network again and I decided to take a walk around the neighboorhood to see who was awake. I found two houses within range of my network that had a blue glow in the window from a TV. When the 360 was disconnected from the network about 30 mins later, I walked back around and there was one house that no longer had the TV on.

    I'm going to call the police department and talk to the officer that has been handling my case. I'm pretty sure I don't have enough information for them to get a search warrant but I'm getting more confident about actually getting my 360 back than I was three days ago.

    Bust some balls, HOOAH!

    It's like CSI for gamers, lol.

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  • mrgreen4242
    Jan 15, 02:56 PM
    Absolute madness. No offence.

    Well, we'll wait and see. Laptops already account for over half of all new computer sales, and the iMac uses MOSTLY laptop parts as it is. The big thing holding laptops back has been drive speed and capacity. Those are both being improved upon with traditional HDDs and SSDs. The Time Capsule will become the place where you store your "extra" files and big media, etc. There's even already a spec being developed for wireless HD video communication for TV to media player connection. People could have a MacBook with a 20"+ display, 1TB HDD, and fullsize keyb and mouse on their desk with no wires. Add in an induction charging pad and you've got a really, really cool workspace.

    I think they'll bring back the $1500 PowerMac/Mac Pro and drop the iMac and mini lines in favor of expanded laptop lines, including a 20" "laptop" (wouldn't be the first one on the market).

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 22, 06:57 PM
    Whereas I agree with your post entirely, I get the feeling that you wouldn't be saying this if Apple were the only ones not to collect such data. You have bashed Google many times for the amount of data it collects, but as soon as Apple is to be seen to be doing it, it's all cool. A "non-issue.":rolleyes:

    some how I think the only reason he is saying that is because Apple is the one doing it.
    If it was anyone else LTD would be bashing it like no tomorrow.
    My issue with it is the fact that it does not let you opt out. It would be one thing to freely give away that infomation. It is another not to be even given the option to opt out. On top of that the way Apple is doing it is even worse.
    Google and Apple are in the wrong I feel. I just feel Apple is even more wrong than Google. Google at least only stores the last 50 cell towers and 200 wifi compared to Apple which keeps all of it locally.

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  • ipodtoucher
    Apr 6, 03:45 PM
    $38 in petrol.... keeps getting higher and higher....

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  • yg17
    Mar 3, 09:23 PM
    The Tea Party will be kicked out of office just as quickly as they were voted in. Hopefully a Democratic wave will come in 2012 and undo most of this crap.

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  • Nd2ski00
    Apr 6, 12:42 AM
    Should be as popular as a TV channel with non stop commercials.

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  • vendettabass
    Sep 12, 02:58 AM
    I assume the true video ipod will have the same price points as the current ones? if so, its a buy!

    Apr 5, 03:55 PM
    ...but how about confining ads to this app rather than on individual apps. This way it's a conscience decision on the user to go into the ads.

    Just a thought. Now let me wear my rose-colored glasses.

    Apr 18, 06:43 AM
    Ahhhh.... dude... the only Apps that don't really get approved are ones that do things that can cause security risks or just plain trying to steal your information.

    Not true, Id say that is in the small minority, believing that is falling in line with the people who believe that simply plugging a PC running Windows into the Internet will result in it being flooded with viruses within seconds.

    There are plenty of apps on my iPhone from Cydia that merely add improved functionality, like 'Infinifolder' which lets me have unlimited apps in a folder. iBlacklist, which lets me block numbers without having to get my carrier to do it for me. BiteSMS, which lets me read, reply, look up their profile, or call them from the recieved SMS window, without having to leave my current App.

    Apr 27, 03:58 AM
    Perhaps a little quick on the draw here but it isn't working for me. The boxes have gone but the actual voting buttons still take me back to the forum index page.

    I have cleared my cache and logged out and back in again.

    What version of IE are you on?


    Jan 9, 04:12 PM
    Are we sure that Apple didn't post the Keynote on iTunes this year ?

    Apr 15, 05:07 PM
    Why are record labels so against cloud based storage and access of music?

    Until someone has a decent cloud offering in the uk, I can see myself sticking with Audiogalaxy for my own personal streaming needs.

    Amazon may have jumped the gun a bit but I admire what they did either way.

    I can't really agree with this. The last thing I want is a bunch of different places to buy music.

    IF and only if the same same content was offered on both stores would this be a good thing in my opinion, otherwise its kind of like the Blu Ray vs HD DVD thing.

    How is this comparable? Blu-ray and HD-DVD were completely incompatible with each other whereas the various online stores undoubtedly sell their music in an pod friendly format or face cutting off the biggest market for portable music players.

    The main problem we used to have was drm incompatibilities but that is pretty much dead. What is the benefit of having a singular source controling the music market?

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